Thursday, January 7, 2010

New house adventures with the kids, and SNOW!

I'm pretty sure everyone knows we have now moved into our new house, but haven't closed on it yet. Renting again, woo! We are actually getting communication with the bank for the past week and it seems that the loan is moving along again now. We found out that when our house appraised for less than the asking price, a new contract was written up, causing the bank process to start all over again. Annoying, but at least we know why it is taking so long. I hope I am actually seeing a small light at the end of this crazy experience.
On a fun note, the pets are enjoying the new house. Chloe seems to adapt no matter where we are, the cats are not quite the same. It took Cameron about a week to come upstairs, he spends most of his time under our bed in the basement. Freddie was a little nervous at first, but is now trying to bolt out the door to get outside like he always did before, so I believe he's alright. The cats like to get up on the wall that separates the kitchen & living room. One place that they are for sure safe from Chloe!
The snow was fun that we got this past weekend. Our yard has a big slope to the bottom so we went sledding with Shelly & Greg on Sunday. It's crazy to think I can sled in my backyard, but fun!
Caleb and I were standing in the kitchen the other day, looking out the window to the backyard. He said, "Can you believe we will be standing here watching our kids play in that yard someday?" I can't wait to see that! Makes me so ready for this dang house thing to finally go through, I'm ready to start this next chapter in our first home!

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