Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Welcome (again)

I'm really bad at keeping up with the whole blogging business. If you're in my family, you are well aware of this :)

However, I'm giving it another go. Seeing how my life has a little more of a plan to it now, I may be more motivated to update on it :) My "plan" is to buy a house this year and start trying for a baby at the end of next! I cannot wait. I know it's so cheesy sounding, but I really think I was meant to be a mother. I am always dying for Kylee to let me do anything with/for Isaac. We were shopping the other day and she asked if I wanted to try to put him in his car seat. Heck yeah I did! It's definitely complicated, but I got him in there. After putting his socks back on about 4 times, we were ready to go! Everyone always tells me, things are totally different when you are a parent, and I believe that. I just don't think that it's different in a bad way, I look forward to it.

So, hopefully with all this in mind, I will keep this blogging stuff up! I mean, it's 2009, who doesn't have a blog these days? :)


  1. Good luck! I'll be reading. So don't be talking crap about me. Because I'll friggin' see it.

  2. Yeah! So glad your back! Can't wait to see ya in just a few short days!!
